Hire Right
The First Time
Having trouble hiring and promoting the right people? Do your new hires not meet your expectations once on the job? Hiring doesn’t have to be “post and pray.” Now you can know BEFORE you hire what you will surely find out later, with comprehensive talent assessment solutions from Predictive Assessments.
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360° Evaluations
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M+A Testing
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Harassment Avoidance
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Pre-Hire & Promotional Assessments
The experts at Predictive Assessments are talent assessment specialists who help you define the skills, experience and motivators necessary to build a successful workforce. We then use that information to identify verified, cost-effective and legally defensible assessment testing that allows you to reliably hire or promote the right person for the job.
360° Evaluations
360° evaluations are an invaluable tool for companies, both large and small. The 360° provides a holistic view of every employee, regardless of level. The scope of information derived from the 360° process can spotlight organizational trends, opportunities and threats that wouldn’t have otherwise been discovered.
Workplace & Sexual Harassment
Investigation & Training
Not only is it a good idea, it may soon become the law. A number of states have recently passed laws mandating that any supervisor that hires, fires, disciplines and/or directs the work of one or more employees receive Sexual Harassment Avoidance Training within six months of hire or promotion.
Sales Communication & Evaluation
“If you don’t ‘get’ a commercial, it probably wasn’t intended for you.”
Top sales people intuitively ‘get’ that you have to change your message and style for different types of people. Predictive Assessments can help you train both new and existing sales people to spot behaviors and characteristics in prospective clients, and adjust their sales communication to meet the customer’s specific needs.
M&A Testing
70% to 90 % of all Mergers & Acquisitions fail to live up to expectations due in large part to HR issues such as cultural incompatibility, ineffective and/or insufficient communication and retention of key employees. Predictive Assessments can help you plan for and deal with the people issues that get in the way of many M&As, and increase your chances of success.

"Hi, I'm Kathryn.
One of the hazards of being a leader is that many times people agree with you, regardless of the merit of what you say. We call that “Nice Speak.” Predictive Assessments doesn’t believe in nice speak. We’ll tell you the good news and the bad news in straightforward terms that cannot be misconstrued. You may not always like what we say, but you’ll appreciate us saying it.
“It’s better to be hurt by the truth than to be comforted by a lie.” - unknown
“Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure.” - James Altucher

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